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Yarout Secondary School For Girls held a special day ( English Open Day )

الرئيسية/الاخبار / Yarout Secondary School For Girls held a special day ( English Open Day )


الثلاثاء, أيار 21, 2013
Under the patronage of the Head of the Educational Directorate  Dr . Yousef Al-Tarwaneh  , there were many visitors from the community leaders : Eng Lama Majali  and peace corps represntatives . We had many interesting activities such as ) Students' presentations (songs , and athor activeties ), corners about : enviroment , traditional national foods and folkore ).
presented by :Yarout Secondary School English Club
The principal : Ferjeh  Majali .
Suoervision : Jawaher Shamaileh .
Implementation : Aisha Majali , Doha Masarweh , Zainab Al-Garaleh  andn Natalie Linton .
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